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10 easy winter health tips for Healthy Living

10 easy winter health tips for Healthy Living

Check out the following 10 ways we can remedy the cold and dryness of winter to maintain good health and our ideal weight.

1. Drink 6 – 10 cups of warming liquids such as hot water and herbal teas to prevent dehydration
2.  Make an effort to include raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds and fresh herbs. Raw foods give enzymes, vitamins and disease protective antioxidants.
3. Good quality sleep is vital for good health. Poor sleep will impact on everyday life affecting concentration, mood, stress levels and weight gain. Aim to get into bed early and luxuriate in around eight hours of deep sleep.
4. Be proactive about preventing ear infections. Warm .
5. Let indoor green plants help keep your air clean and fresh.
6.  When preparing meals you should simply think rainbow. If your plate is full of brightly colored fresh produce you know you are on the right track.
7.  If you take fish oil supplements, shift to cod liver oil supplements for the winter. These have the additional advantage of vitamin A and D (great for months when our access to vitamin D producing sunshine is limited).
8. If you are a walker or runner, invest in a set of cold weather workout clothes so your can keep up your routine as the temperature dips.
9. Use soap and water. Washing their hands oftentimes can cut back the spread of germs.
10. Join a gym or group workout class to keep connected and accountable to getting your workout in.

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